I have two essays and three articles due before this time next week.
So I'm putting the blog down and stepping away slowly.
I’m Signing in Bristol!
20 minutes ago
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There was no trace of the fog now. The sky became bluer and bluer, and now there were white clouds hurrying across it from time to time. In the wide glades there were primroses. A light breeze sprang up which scattered drops of moisture from the swaying branches and carried cool, delicious scents against the faces of the travellers. The trees began to come fully alive. The larches and birches were covered with green, the laburnums with gold. Soon the beech trees had put forth their delicate, transparent leaves. As the travellers walked under them the light also became green. A bee buzzed across their path.In other news, I'm still applying for jobs. Graduate schemes are looking increasingly impossible to elbow my way into, so I've started looking at more general admin work. Providing I remember to wear my glasses (which it pains me to wear as reading glasses seem to be associated with people at least twice my age), I have no problems with sitting in front of a computer all day. I'm a student, it's what I do best.
"This is no thaw," said the dwarf, suddenly stopping. "This is Spring."C.S. Lewis - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
I think, after careful consideration, I prefer Richard Armitage, ta.
Groping Robin Hood's manly thigh. To clarify, I'm the one on the left.
"Polls reveal that over 75% of the public do not support a repeal of the hunting act. We believe this is an accurate reflection of a society that does not want to see a return to their cruel and barbaric past.If you're against the proposed repeal of the hunting ban, please sign this politically neutral register and get your voice heard.
Now we need to show MPs that real people are behind these numbers. We need to prove that this issue is NOT: the will of one political party, a class war, town vs. country, or an erosion of human rights. It is simply about whether we as human beings agree or disagree with inflicting prolonged and unnecessary pain and suffering on animals for fun."